
Neither format is appealing. I want my movies the same way I get my music-over the internet through a subscription service. All HDDVD and blu ray do is bridge the gap between DVD and high speed fibre internet.

Yes, but it takes to stinking long to download HD content. I know that there are streaming subscription services, etc, but I don't think that the general internet infrastructure is ready for that yet...

It would be nice though to jump online, pick out a rental, click "HD" or "DVD" and start streaming it down fast enough to start the movie, with enough "buffer room" to prevent any pauses during playback, after a minute or so. I know some people claim to have done it, but the download content isn't there yet, so there aren't a lot of users doing it.

The data streams from the servers would be pretty big to do this as well...

Someday it will happen though.

Farewell - June 4, 2020