
Am I the only one not crazy about downloading movies? I like owning my movies.

I like owning them too. I think that what we will see is a download "rental" for a premium price (at good quality) that will work for 24 hours and then the license will expire. For a couple rental prices, you could own it. The whole download bit is for convenience. The way that I work around that is I buy movies even if I know that it may be weeks or even longer that I can watch it. That way I always have movies on my shelf that I haven't seen (but aren't "crap" movies).

Now I work with a guy that has seen pretty much every movie ever. He likes all movies, action, comedy, drama, chick flicks, westerns, etc, etc... He loved Ishtar, was excited about from Justin to Kelly, and has a copy of 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain... Most of these movies he has a copy of too. And I mean a "copy" in that exact sense. He has close to 1000 movies that he only paid $0.50 for the blank (single layer) DVD-R to burn them on to. Other's he watches from a web site that streams TV shows, movies, etc (some at really bad quality)... He can watch whatever he wants all day long without paying for it.

Now when he "grows up" and starts seeing the benefits of actually paying for something, he will be so used to downloading movies, that he will go that route. For me, I just like to own what I've got. I then don't waste time on junk movies, and I get better quality than a download or single layer burn (Yes, I know how to do dual layer 100% quality copies. My wife calls these "cheater movies".)

Anyway, I used to try to get everything for free from the internet too, now I just don't have the time to mess with the illegal junk, and streaming is still too long of a wait for me for a sub-quality product. Maybe someday, but by then we will have 10TB hard drives so I guess I wouldn't miss the disk space.

Farewell - June 4, 2020