I was thinking the same, Curtis...

...but then I thought that it's really a healthy thing. If someone is easily swayed by a single person changing brands (and it seems to have as much to do with WAF as anything else), they're probably the same kind of person that looks at an eBay seller's profile and says "Hmmm... he averages an A++++++++ - GRATE SURVICE!, I like my sellers to usually get at least 10 'pluses'..."

My HT is going to soon be all Axiom (currently my centre is not, and it sounds like crap), but I use Edirol products (Roland by any other name - 3 sets of MA-10Ds and one set of MA-20Ds) as audio monitors and near-fields. They sound more "mass market" for mixing for television and other home presentation. I mulled over using M2s and M22s, but the additional hassle of having a separate amp (the Edirols are powered) made them a lot less portable and small space friendly.

Unlike women, you can love many speakers for different reasons!

Bren R.