That's a REALLY excellent Question, Curtis. As you know, I've waited several months to reveal this openly, and that is one of the questions I've asked myself, and one of the reasons I've felt "damned if I do; damned if I don't." Unfortunately, I've come to no satisfactory answer.

Your point about the action of change making the statement is well taken. However a reasonable person will only infer from that change that that I have made a subjective assessment of MY circumstances, MY wants, and MY needs. I suppose there will be those who read this that will think this change means that in my opinion Rockets are "better" than Axioms. Though not true, it is unavoidable. First, I would never say that. Second, "better" is a completely subjective conclusion.

The LAST thing I would want to do is hurt Axiom in any way. I have nothing but the highest respect for the company and the product. The truth is I've not yet heard, or seen the perfect speaker. There are things about the Axioms I prefer, and there are things about the Rockets I prefer. But, no matter what I say, it will be inferred that I prefer one or the other.

My reasons for remaining on this board are twofold. One, I have a lot of friends here whom I like, admire, and respect. Two, I happen to know a fair amount about Axioms, and maybe I just might be able to help someone, with a question or problem. I am not here to promote Rockets any more than I am a member of the av123 forum to promote Axioms. I am here to help.

Without knowing, it is not unreasonable to think Axiom maintains this board in the hopes it will help sell some Axioms. I would be surprised if that was the main goal of it's members. My goal is, and always has been, to share my experience with Axioms, thereby, hopefully, helping someone make the choice that is right for them. If someone came here saying they wanted a warm, laid-back speaker, I'd be hard pressed to recommend Axioms to them. It is my oft stated belief that Axiom is more interested in a satisfied customer than they are in making a quick sale. Having a dissatisfied purchaser doesn't do Axiom any good.

If this thread is an unwelcome one, or in any way is detrimental to Axiom, I wholeheartedly support it's deletion, and will harbor no malice for doing so. I remain a staunch supporter of Ian and Amie and Axiom, and, yes, of Mark and Rockets. But, I am NOBODY'S sycophant.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton