I think it speaks volumes to Axiom’s products and customer service that we care if we are negatively impacting their business. Mark, I think it says a lot about you (positively) as a person that you consider the impact of your actions.
I don't doubt that there are folks who abuse the option to return. However, being internet based and not having places where people can easily listen to their speakers, a liberal return policy really is a requirement for encouraging people to audition their speakers. Without that policy I would not have auditioned Axioms when I was looking around for speakers.
That flexible a return policy falls in line with their amazing, very personal and personable customer service. When I move to a larger place and have the money I will be getting speakers from Axiom. Both because they make great speakers that give me the neutrality in a speaker I crave and because their customer service defines the bell curve.
That they have not changed that policy tells me that it’s not having a negative (enough) impact on their business in comparison to the positive effect of bringing in new Axiomites. Spread the gospel brothers and sisters!


"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." C Hitchens