Here is an update. The drywall guy will be here to start taping, mudding, sanding and texturing on Friday. I'm told that all of the basement walls will be completed by the following Friday (January 27th).

What's that you say? "The walls already looked finished ?"

"Aha" says I! "Skull-duggery and Adobe Photoshop magic!" says I! I wanted a preview of what it will look like before the paint goes on, so I did my own "virtual" finishing.

Painting commences on Saturday January 30th. It will be done in a two tone flat chocolate/latte scheme with the darker chocolate colors on the front and rear walls, and lighter "latte" colors on the side walls.

...they aren't the actual color names mind you (I can't remember the actual "fluffy" designer names, I'm just using words that discribe the look and feel).

Soon! Soon can't come soon enough!

As you may already have guessed, I am becoming more than a little excited.



"Someone tries to kill you - you kill 'em right back!" Capt. Mal Reynolds