

canned carbonated beverages are still outlawed

Good grief. What's the premise?

I remember when they announcement when I was a little kid, the government was going to get rid of all the cans littering the streets and roadsides by banning them all together in favor of returnable bottles.

I also think people were complaining of all the noise from kids stepping on them just so, and they would then clamp on to their sneakers and clomp around the streets like a robot.

Of course, for many years now we have been recycling cans so it's a big non issue but the two bigger local bottling companies kept enough pressure on the government to keep the law in place so they wouldn't have to spend money converting their operation over to compete with a flood of cheaper cans from mainland companies.

The Gov. was finally going to drop the ban this year but they just lost an election so I guess we will stay in the stone age a bit longer. As said, I don't really mind. The difference in the way pop carbonates in a bottle verses a can actually gives it a differnt taste, which I prefer.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.