One of the DIY threads on AVS has quite a few examples of homemade in wall cabinets. I particularly like this one.

Stupid question-are the rack rails the two long black pieces that run vertically along the edge of the cabinet? And the brackets are obviously what support the shelves, and they latch into the rail on each side?

In his construction, he's screwed the rack rails into the wall, and I would assume into studs. So basically I would have to frame two studs vertically 20" apart (the drywall would be cut out 20 "wide as well), then screw the rack rails to the backs of the 2X4's. And, when making the shelves, they'll have to be cut to account for the 2X4's so they extend to the front of the cabinet.

Do I have the right idea? Am I missing anything?

Thanks again.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.