Our earth's climate changes are a naturally occurring phenomena. Climate is constantly evolving as it has over history & will continue in the future. It would not be surprising that there will be hundreds of feet of ice on top of my home location like there was in the recent past (in geological time). It will happen again.

The earth is going to do what the earth wants to do & we have very little influence on that. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive to do things in a clean, efficient manner - within reason. The problem is, this stuff becomes a religion with some folks where common sense does not enter the discussion.

The biggest problem that I see is the continuing human population explosion. Until that is somehow addressed, there can be no meaningful measures that can be implemented. World religions that want more & more followers in their 'flock' will never support such a notion.

So eventually, as we increasingly over exploit our resources due to more & more humans appearing on this planet, humankind is probably doomed long before our sun blows up. I'm glad & fortunate that I'm living when I am. And no, I'm not coming back as someone else or some other being...