I'm not read up on any of this stuff, so ignore this whole post.

I have a hard time believing there's a huge conspiracy among scientists to make mankind accountable for something that isn't our fault. On the other hand, I agree to a point with people who argue that the planet is going to cycle through some extreme conditions on its own. The dinosaurs weren't polluting the planet, as far as I know, and it didn't save them. Like I said, I'm not current, but when I've heard people talk about the state of the environment based on man's influence, it seems we're at the point of inevitability. Even if we stopped all carbon emissions, would it be enough? I believe in being thoughtful, but it's not realistic to expect people to give up the comforts they've grown accustomed to.

Even if the whole thing is a scam, I think it DOES give us the opportunity to do things better, and the US needs something new to excel at and export, so I'm all for getting what we can out of it. Fossil fuels aren't going to last forever, and it sure would be nice if we could make ourselves independent in that regard. We'll get ourselves into fewer wars that way, right?

In any case, I think it's a stretch to think that billions of humans have zero effect on the environment. Would the Earth still do something major to reduce our population at some point? Without a doubt. To ignore any impact we may be having is like saying, "Well, we're going to die at some point, anyway, so we may as well commit suicide."