Sure, there are always extremists and hyperpartisans, even if they would be so blind as to deny it themselves. But just because someone can be overzealous, overstate something, or even exaggerate something does not automatically mean that they are all wrong and that we should summarily dismiss their concerns. They still could be 90% right. Or half right.

I don't have the answers on global warming. I wish I did. I wish I could rest assured that it is all nonsense, but there is enough of a consensus in the scientific community that greenhouse emissions are an issue of serious concern that I am, in fact, concerned. I'm not advocating a $200 million bike path, but I wouldn't mind seeing more people bike.

I, too, grow weary of people so entrenched on either side of an issue that, to me, is not clear-cut with an absolute truth. I'm thinking global warming, politics, religion, and the merits of tube amps vs solid state amps. It's tough to talk when all that's being done is restating of dogma. It gets old and wears on my soul. I get enough soul-crushing material in my work day, and, I will admit, occasionally in my home life. I focus instead on the positives, which, luckily, outweigh the negatives at work, at home, and here on the boards.

Peace be with you. Good night.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.