Originally Posted By Ken.C
Wow, you have a ton of threads asking the same questions over and over again.

No, there not all the same. And I am getting some informed answers here. Thank Exlabdriver, Brendo. MoJo and a couple others.
There are no store and Dwight On is 1800 miles away so, it is not like I can walk into a store and hear them all in different scenario's. I do not have $10,000 either to send off to have these all shipped so I can hear the difference and make an informed decision on my own. I have to rely on what others have and experience and pick brains of people who have more knowledge. I just spent $2000 for a set of M80v3, about a damn month before the M80v4 came out. Maybe I will buy a ticket on Powerball and become a billionaire and just order the whole line up. I got some information on Atmos, very helpful to the point I am not sure I need to go there. Thinking maybe just go with the wides and heights. So, that saving me money from upgrading the PrePro for now. Like I said, if I am going to be using a sub, why do I need M80v4 or even the HP line ? when M60's would do just as good a job. I hear the only reason for M80 is to go LOUDER and LOUDER I do not need. I gave an example of my listening levels.

PS I think I am the only Axiom owner in Nova Scotia so I cannot go and hear them at a persons house either

Last edited by TroyD; 01/13/16 02:55 PM.

Anthem MRX520