Yes, you are wiser than I am for sure. smile

It does indeed become a problem as I've pointed out on these boards before. As my buddies have listened to my environment and have had these qualities pointed out to them, they find it difficult to enjoy what they have.

BTW, my environment is nowhere ideal but it's a far cry from Generation 1. Generation 2 was brought on by the Onk with XT32, generation 3 by moving from 8 feet away to 14 feet away from the mains, generation 4 by "treating" 70% of the wall surfaces with art and generation 5 through the replacement of the VP160v2 and EP600v2 with the VP160v4 and EP800v4.

The one quality I lack that is eating at me right now is soundstage depth. I have none to speak of. Do any of you?

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated