I just checked everything. Good call on the binding post torque. My room down there swings from 15C when I'm not there to 22C when I turn on the fireplace. That likely wreaks havoc with expansion and contraction of the metals.

The 11-year old M80v2 drivers move freely and there's no drag or noise. I'll tell you though my new VP160v4 drivers move marginally more freely.

No difference in depth. That EP800v4NME kicks ass and is just bloody fantastic though. I struggled to pull away from the music again. That Onk puts out too!

Ok, so good! I am not the only one who doesn't have depth according to you.

I know I sound like one of Socketman's pedantic kids on these boards but I do enjoy my music and movies. Then I snap back to reality and want depth. smile

I'm off to find me steak and Guinness.