Originally Posted By: SolidState

Out of all the technological applied endeavors go, boat hull design, speaker design, mike design and even yes... transport design

While I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread from an entertainment point of view. I'm doing my best to stay out of it.

I do want to say one thing though. Solidstate, if you can troubleshoot transport problems from hearing alone better than our thousands of dollars in test gear, PM me your resume. I'll hire you tomorrow. Of course, all our transport is digital, not analogue, so you might get a bit bored. We still have lots of legacy, edge data services though you could help with. Just don't get a splinter putting copper wires in your ear.

Of course, I'm sure you were referring to audio transport, not telecom. Still I couldn't let the slim chance to snipe such talented person before someone like Rogers got hold of you.

Kidding of course! I do my best to pick on the regulars (regularly) so I shouldn't leave you out.

I think you have been a bit mistreated here as we have had more controversial discussions here before with less flaming on both sides but honestly, the more you stray from topic with analogies from unrelated sciences, the more you invite frustrated venting from those who like to stick with the facts and opinions actually related to the topic at hand.

You make some good arguments for discussion but my advice is that they would be better received with quoted evidence directly related to the immediate topic.

Hope my humor isn't read as a flame and my advice is taken as friendly.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.