There are one million Muslim Arabs who live in Israel as fully franchised citizens. They, including the women, have the right to vote, full civil liberties, they do not have to pay a special tax because of their faith. The Arab Muslims in Israel, are Israeli citizens who have elected Arab Muslim members of Parliament. An Arab Muslim sits on the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. Israeli Arab Muslims enjoy greater civil liberties, including equality under the law, than do Arab Muslims living in any Muslim country.

Although there are a million Israeli Arab Muslim citizens there is not a single Jewish citizen in Jordan, less than a handful in Syria, absolutely not one in Saudi Arabia, the 300 Jews of Yemen, a remnant of a once great population, are being spirited out of that country even now. There are no more than a handful of Jews left in Egypt. Hardly any in Iraq.

The Palestinian mandate territories were divided between Jews and Muslims in 1922. Jordan was the Muslim state, Palestine, the Jewish state. The Jewish portion was divided again, by the UN in 1947. Israel declared its independence as a Jewish homeland in 1948. It was not hilarity which ensued.

The armies of the 5 Arab nations, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt attacked Israel. Although Israel hardly had any arms, they prevailed. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem instructed the Muslims to leave Israel and return to take the lands and homes of the Jews after the Arab armies exterminated them.

Things did not work out for those Jihadists. The Arabs who stayed became citizens of Israel. Those who left, were not permitted to return.

To refer to Israel as a terrorist state is simply a lie. I have an appointment I have to go to. I expect there will be posts on this subject. I'll be back.

In the meantime, Osama bin Laden is DEAD. Good! May all genocidal murderers share the same fate.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.