Originally Posted By: 2x6spds

Like I thought, Craig. You can't answer the question. Your insult about poor plot devices notwithstanding, or how unlikely the scenario, you avoid the point, because you cannot deal with it in an honest way.

As to your statement that torture doesn't work, that people will say anything to make it stop, if you don't think that can be used to obtain totally accurate information, you are not thinking clearly. You are merely spouting cliches.

Really, think about! Put yourself in the position of a person being tortured for information. Every time you bullsh!t, you are forced to endure the unendurable. How many times, before the pure, clear truth emerges?

Be honest.

You keep avoiding the point. I didn't answer your question because it is not based in THE REAL WORLD, which is what we're (trying) to talk about here.

You also keep ignoring the points the against using torture. "Enduring the unendurable..." To repeat, if the torturer doesn't know the answer, then how can that person tell the difference between the truth and the "bullsh!t" !?

Please see this outline from the US Army Training Manual.

The use of force, mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to unpleasant and inhumane treatment of any kind is prohibited by law and is neither authorized nor. condoned by the US Government. Experience indicates that the use of force is not necessary to gain the cooperation of sources for interrogation. Therefore, the use of force is a poor technique, as it yields unreliable results, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say whatever he thinks the interrogator wants to hear. However, the use of force is not to be confused with psychological ploys, verbal trickery, or other nonviolent and noncoercive ruses used by the interrogator in questioning hesitant or uncooperative sources.

The above which I grabbed from here also points out a CIA operative that says torture is unreliable, brings up the point that basic human memory can be flawed and unreliable (you know, why courts tend to require cold hard proof, not just eye-witness testimony, because people just remember things wrong sometimes) and various scientific proof that human memory gets worse when deprived of sleep or put under pressure...

But I suppose you know more than the people who wrote the US Army Training Manual? CIA operatives? Dozens of scholarly articles on human memory, etc..

Please note I found this article just now, but it does include your ticking-time bomb scenario and considers it the same as I did previously.

It's clear at this point you are unable to have a reality based discussion, so I will cease responding to you now. Feel free to make another glib comment on how I "cannot deal in an honest way" as your only retort while you continue to ignore all the evidence against your point. I am done here.