Saturn (and 2x6spds),
These are tired old arguments made day in and day out.

Read Semi's post and think, is it so hard to believe that large companies market their products with impressive scientific jargon to make more cash off of consumers?
Or is it so hard to believe that your own brain can have preconceptions or bias before you form an opinion about something?
Why do you think the job of a supreme court judge or jury selection is so difficult?

What bothers me so much is forum posters that essentially post their opinions as fact. "Yes biwiring is better. Yes those Cardas cables will make a difference." etc.

You live in North America, land of the ever bombarding commercials. Our thoughts and opinions are influenced everyday by something on tv, on the web or on billboards. Lets remove that bias as much as possible by testing these 'biwiring' and other theories in the lab. They can be tested on a larger number of people to remove bias from individuals having great hearing or worse hearing. They can be tested in a controlled environment where the listener never knows what they are listening to, does not know the price, the colour, the brand name, anything at all. Then from this we can derive facts.

If for a fact you know that two types of cables sound different or that people can actually tell the difference between a biwired and a non-biwired system for example, then post the proof and show us the studies that have been done. I would love to read them. Part of my career is experimental design. I thoroughly enjoy sifting through scientific method searching for impartial setups or holes, looking for improvements.
Before you get started however, i should mention, studies have to come from NON biased sources, which is to say, not from a website, not from a company's information booklets, not by having your buddy down the road come and listen with you, but from peer reviewed, scientific journals on human behaviour and acoustics testing (such as what they do and HAVE DONE at the NRC anechoic chamber in Ottawa).

Semi had it right when he stated the obvious, religion vs. science.
The beliefs that exist in audio are the religion. These beliefs are sold everyday.
It should be obvious why people get angry when you question their beliefs.

Knowledge is the key to understanding, but beware the knowledge spread by the less coin a phrase.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."