I would have to say that Semi does have an indirect style of writing but usually does not mean anything offensive by it.
The hardest part about responding to ideas and questions sometimes on forums is not knowing the level of intelligence (or the technical background) of the individuals doing the reading or the posting.
Often a poster can get a little too technical or the reverse, too condescending in their explanation. Writing at a computer easily puts a poster at the face of an unemotional beast widely known for headaches (the windows operating system for most ppl). Combine these two together and you get blunt, forward postings that lack any sense of emotion.

However, i believe Semi felt you did not understand how clock jitter works and with respect to your background, has tried to give you information at a level of understanding that is useful.
I certainly feel like i have a better explanation and understanding about clock jitter now and i also have a science background, although a biological one more than electrical.

Semi's point about negligbile jitter effect makes sense.
A clock working at microseconds with a 'variation' in the nanasecond range is very negligible indeed. If any human can hear the off-timing of a musical note by nanoseconds, they would have to be a god.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."