Guys, these are great ideas, and would certainly make the face-off a bit fairer. But, I still think that the blind testing is not necessarily the answer.

Take the Rocket owner again as an example. He obviously prefers and has grown accustomed to the Rocket sound. Even if the test is blind, I would imagine that he would still prefer the sound of his Rockets, and possibly still describe the Axioms as metallic and tinny. I have never heard the Rockets, but from reading descriptions, their sound is probably clearly differentiated from the Axioms. And this would likely be picked out by owners of each and preferred accordingly.

So, since psychology would probably enter into even a blind testing, as long as people will be listening to their own speakers in the face-off, I don't think there is an easy answer. But, I do like the idea of using a sub, because my M22's really shine when used with my sub, and are clearly not as good when used without a sub. This is interesting stuff though.