Hi All....this is the famous Curtis.

First...let me say that the Axioms were not my least favorite of the bunch.

The word metallic was the word "I" chose, because that is how it sounded to me. You must admit that the M22's are bright speakers.

The speakers are clean sounding. I believe I stated that.

Did you read how I descibed the Rockets?....or the Aperions?

We did not do blind simply because of the amount of time we had...and the number of speakers.....I hauled four pairs of speakers there and a center channel.

Pre-conceived notions? Don't you think you may have some as well. Yes...a blind test would help that.

I spent a total of 5 hours listening to the Axioms...and about 5 listening to the Aperions, and did not listen to MY Ascends for two days...trying to clean my "palette"

I can not honestly tell you if I am biased in any way...but I hope I am not.

There were three people there that did not own any of the speakers that were being reviewed.

This negativity to the reviews is exactly why I had hoped an Axiom owner/person could have attended.

I am more than happy to answer any questions you have.
