OK, here we go ... when someone says something Chesseroo doesn't agree with, he says something like, "other than your own ears why should anyone believe your statements?" If you say you A/B tested the issue with other people who agreed, he'll tell you that your testing methods are defective and urge you not to believe what those people heard either. I don't know whether he intends to be rude.

In any case, I have a bunch of M22 like speakers which use the same drivers as Axioms do. I do not know whether these speakers use the same cross overs, but I'd guess they probably do. In any case, I took one pair apart replaced the tiny capacitors with great big Jenson paper/oil caps and the resistors with Caddocks. The sound (which I love out of the box) opened up and smoothed out. Now, of course, that's just by my ears, so why should anyone believe my statements either?

That's why I've suggested, from time to time, that Axiom make a "Gold" or "Platinum" series of upgrades for every speaker in their line-up, one which would use upgraded parts in the cross-overs. I think for a modest increase in production cost Axiom could step up and take on even more expensive speakers than they already do.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.