found a bit of "ohm" info here

scroll down to
What Doesn't Matter?
Impedance Selector Switches

hope this may aid some others of you , that sail in the same boat as me.

..... so, beside my concerns of this and that, i have been compounding my own frustration with the fact that , the more I learn , it seems the more money I'm gonna be spending. THERE IN LIES THE PROBLEM. what was initially a 1600$ output is now looking more like 2700$ and with that being said, **the big things with me are getting the most for my $$$ and making informed purchase decisions.** as it now looks I have much more reading and question asking to do here and there, cause at nearly 3000$ I would be foolish to not look at other setups that will compare with the axioms. Believe it or not although this is the axiom forum I believe I can get honest answers and reccomendations here, thats why I ask.
Looks like a new thead in my future.