I'm not the least bit suprised by what anyone has posted here, disappointed but not suprised.

like so many goats to the slaughter, with blind faith following the ques of the few.

I think its laughable that some of the 'wisemen' have determined that Axioms just aren't for me. why? oh yes not real sonic reasons, nope, but instead simply cause I piss some people off and so therefore 'their' beloved speakers surely can't 'fit' for such a man as I.

I'd like to thank those that have taken time to share helpful info with me, you know who you are. For the vindictive and comedic lot, I thank you to. It's quite odd that someones view of a product can be so blurred by the views of others. I came here to this forum trying to be sure that axioms would work for me, what I have found is noone can say anything remotely negative without getting flamed for it. while on the other hand say positive things and your stroked like a loved pet.

Interesting how axioms are going to work for those that come calling here AND always UPSOLD to spend more money, NOT by staff, but buy the forum faithful.

If any of you that are looking to see what setup may work for you I advise to NOT ask any questions here on the forum at all, **some are genuinely helpful, but mostly you'll just get an upsell cause that person has what they 'reccomend'** ... Instead use the "home theater wizard" and call or email staff, as they won't upsell you on any product of higher cost.

case in point, going from what is said by some, axioms aren't going to work for me NOT for any real reasons that pertain to my hearing, but simply cause they want to dislike me from comments and questions and how I may come across to them. That's about as UNhelpful as things could be.