Time to end this now, and hope you understand.

I haven't been in here in some time and WOW, I must say there are busy beavers here. I'm glad you have all had fun putting words into my mouth, following the leader, and tossing me about, quite interesting indeed. I'm sure some of you are suprised to see me post here again as well.
Bottom line is in my questioning I pissed off the axiom faithful. its that simple. Before I asked the 'tough' questions and gave some unfavorable possiblities, I enjoyed the replies that I got from everyone. and at that point NOone said anything bad to, for or about me. Standard human fare. since that point . . . well its obvious how things have been for me since that point.

To me the funniest thing is how noone seems to be able to let go and move on. I tried, but i also made it a point to tell everyone that I will indeed give [censored] right back as it is given to me. Seems to have been ok for anyone that wants to say sh!t about me, and do so freely without repercussion. but me? oh no I can't say a darn thing about anything. Afterall *I* am the one that didn't slip right into all things axiom and asked questions and voiced my views on a few matters that werent the standard positive axiom fare.

When a few asked me to provide more info , I started this thread doing just that, but people had to "keep at me" right off the bat, and I replied as I saw fit in this thread. played along , I did. so once again I am the only one that needs to shoulder any blame, while all the labeling from everyone else is A O K.
thats fine. You'll know why shortly.

As to why I am different on other sites, well I think all one need to do is think about that and read what I have said and what others have said to me, both here and at other sites. I'm sure you will find that I am nice and make a point of showing my thanks to those that try to help in any way. NOT stepping on anyones toes.

I'll point out one last time. about the time my questioning changed I was getting different replies SOME of the time (I guess all humans can get offensive while feeling the need to defend.) <-- think about that one a minute.

Many may think I'm this, that or the other. Sorry to disappoint but NO names hurt me. you remember the one most learn as a kid "sticks and stones" .What I am is someone that is trying to learn about people. Does anyone recall me saying anything about "knowing people" or "human nature to defend ones choices"???

So what is the end result? I think that answer has been clear, hear at least.that the forum regulars cannot "forgive and forget" , I admit I could have done better to ignore what has been directed toward me. Hard to do, try it yourself and you'll see. So, no more help for me here, cause I stepped on toes " and dug holes" for which I have said sorry for. So, tell me why some of you can't move on from past postings? and I'm not asking about MY HOLE i'm asking about YOUR HOLE'S.

I have learned from this forum, and its been more about people and their reactions more than anything else.

I MUST say I'm sorry as I've not been "straight up" and have played a "role", again I'm sorry.

Maybe the good Doctor would like to chime in here, as i'm just a student here learning of human nature and Pavlov's dog kinda sh!t.

Gang mentality is not to be overlooked or taken lightly. Look what fans do after their sporting team WINS, not lose,but win mind you! Burning, looting and often beating others simply cause they don't have the right "jersey" on. Its so easy to take the popular "get on board approach" CHAOS insues. . my "jersey" was not a home team jersey. .

with that in mind (as I fully expected the result of calling out anybody that wanted to have words via PM and not on the forum) NOT ONE wisecracker here that joined the "gang" in open forum decided to take it up "personal like" with me via PM's, NOT ONE. The gradifacation of self and belonging is stripped. another point proven.

There are some here that viewed and shared in a rather unbias way toward me or the "gang", that makes me feel good that there are those that can remain themselves regardless of popular sentiment. Hope for the futrue of man.

Interesting, if not at all surprising results, wouldn't you say GOOD DOCTOR?

This concludes the test of the gang mentality system.

If anyone thinks I'm wrong or seeks knowledge, just use the anonymity of the net and take a negative stance just about anywhere, and I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut that you get VERY VERY similar results. Or for those with real intestinal fortitude take the unpopular stance in a real world situation, say a bar and question them on why they drink and tell them you think it may be wrong,see what you get. the same thing as I found here. ridicule of you and your view and adamant defense of themselves and their choices. period.

Go to a Brittney Spears forum or blog and take a negative view point. what do u think will happen? yep, and it only takes ONE to start the "gang" to action.

It'll be interesting to observe if any negativity spills out beyond this forum towards Stone__Man.

the proof is in the pudding.

Final thoughts , for the few that may be wondering what I take from all of this.

A deeper understanding of us as humans and what makes us tick.

Its hard to take the unpopular stance, in self defense or the defense of others.

Its even harder to do so without feeling a need to personally lash back.

the internet is a great resourse for all sorta of subjects, and studies.

gang mentality is exacerbated by the whole "anonymity" of online personas. It allows those without the courage, confidence or innate malice in real life to join in and feel good about themselves that they belong to a/the "gang".

This "gang" sh!t is everywhere online, sadly enough.

Sports fans have nothing on HiFi fans.

We ALL want to belong to something.

We ALL want to believe that our views are right.

We will go to great lengths defending our beliefs, decisions, choices. That applies to life as a whole and any and every part of it.

I hope that at least one of you has learned from all this, as I surely have. Then it will have been worthwhile.

To err is human.

Thanks to those that have helped me better understand, unwittingly as it were for most ( I think a few had ideas of what was happening ) DR? .

SO IRL,(in real life) Sorry to have put you all through this and i MUST say you can hold any and all ill will towards me that you like, it's personal freedom of choice after all. I will understand if some don't want to see me posting here anymore. But, I assure you that I ONLY wish the best to each and every one of you. I bear no grudge , period.

I hope that your days on this earth can bring deeper understanding, acceptance and appreciation of your life and those things and people that you care about and love. An honest effort to understand anothers view. Life is short , too short to not live it, learn from it and pass on all that you gather to others , especially children. The Great Spirt knows we as humans need to follow our hearts and not the minds of others.

Take time to slow down and "smell the roses" .

Kiss that baby, take time to talk to the elders, play with the children and laugh at the clouds.
and by ALL means , BE YOURSELF!

These last remarks come from ME the person behind Stone__Man. Let's all remember that there are indeed REAL people behind online personas that are often times quite different than what you percieve of them. sorry to have 'experimented' with your online persona. The hypothesis supports my original thesis.

In the words of Paul Harvey "And, NOW you know the REST of the story."

"Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow." circa 1975 Chevy Chase.

Peace Out