>>For example, do you put in the entire packet of seasoning, or do you spare your taste buds of the sodium overload and only use half?

Actually, I know people who use the noodles from one pack in another dish, then use the leftover seasoning baggie to make double-strength ramen. It's only about 170% of your daily sodium allowance. It's always good to accumulate a little salt in case you have to go without for a few days.

Using sriracha sauce is a healthy alternative

Thanks Dan, I'll give that a try !!

Last edited by bridgman; 04/30/07 01:51 AM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8