Originally Posted By: Adrian
There aren't too many subs that are both musical and also good for HT. The Axioms, from what I've read and from what owners have stated(I don't own one), are one of a handfull of subs that do both well.

You are correct. And that is the 'finesse' that is an Axiom subwoofer. However, when you say 'do both WELL', you must keep in mind that not everyone's definition of 'well' is the same. There are those who really want the bass to stop their hearts from beating. Problem is, that isn't how much music is recorded (besides some rap music), and Axiom speakers are all about recreating the original performance. So Axiom subwoofers don't move the furniture around like some people might expect.

There are so many subwoofers on the market that inflate the bass to a point that is way over the top from what the original recording intended. For instance, I've been to many a Dave Matthews concert. And while there is certainly bass present at these events, it's not nearly as strong as it is on some peoples home stereo setups I've heard. But people get used to this experience. A lot of home stereo systems are as 'over bassed' as American television is 'over sexed'. And people get used to this, and then expect it.

Then they buy a system like the Axiom Epic 80/800 and come here asking, "where's the bass"??? It's there, but it's recreating the bass as it was intended, as it was recorded. It's not being fed steroids before consuming you like other manufacturers do. But you know what, that's what some people have become accustomed to, and they don't want the bass recreated 'as it was intended'. And my honest opinion is if that's what they're after, then they should probably consider another company for their bass needs.

But I would strongly suggest getting to know what 'real' bass is like for the 30 day trial period before doing so. Once you've toned down your expectation for 'over the top' bass, you might just dig the way Axiom subwoofers reproduce it.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD