I guess in order to be fair I might want to hold off on my 'final opinion' concerning the EP800's SPL limit until after I have installed the final replacement driver. Who knows, once all the 'popping' is gone and I can really crank this bad boy out I will come to a different conclusion than I have with an 'ill performing' piece of equipment.

It's just that it seems strange to me all the complaints lately when it comes to Axiom subs. Made me wonder if there was a bigger issue at hand. I will say that I noticed a vast improvement in all around performance once the 'really' bad driver was replaced. And while the second driver isn't nearly as flawed as the first was, perhaps whatever is wrong with it is holding back the 800 from achieving it's normal levels of performance.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD