Here's the thing, Rich. It may be possible to easily drive LEDs if there are any outputs left but that doesn't mean just because one can it should be done.

For a 1000-8, it's 8 drive lines (2 from each double-sided amp board), a common, 8 holes in the faceplate, more work for Andrew that takes him away from more important stuff, more work for manufacturing and more work for production testing. And it's not just 8 LEDs and their biasing resistors. It's also an MOV and cap to ground for each LED for static discharge protection because you know someone is gonna rub their socked feet on the carpet and discharge at least one of their fat fingers through an LED. You don't want that discharge current flowing back to the amp boards hence the caps and the MOVs will clamp what could be as high as a 5kV discharge to a safe level. On top of all that, that's 9 more wires in a unit that already has too many for my liking. Every wire is a potential radiating or conducting antenna.

I'd say all that would be worth it if it wasn't for the fact that it would only be used once to alert the listener. Once the listener knows about it, it wouldn't be needed again.

Something like this can be covered in the manual. It's very easy to perceive a protected channel even in my 5.1 set-up.