There is a guy who does reviews online "FOMO" I saw last week who was one of the first to expose this flaw in the chip that for some bizarre reason, seems to have been simply an unforgiveable breakdown in communication between the AVR manufacturers, the company making the chips and, of course, Microsoft(XBox), Nvidia and as far as is know, Sony with the PS5. It seems to boil down to the fact that in order for all of the AVR mfgs. to have full bandwidth AV switching capability they should have installed a chip that offered de-compressed video, whereas the chip they did ultimately install was designed only for compressed video hence, even with a fully 2.1 compatible monitor, one would get nothing more than a black screen. Apparently the X Box was the first to expose this issue which a firmware update in the AVRs won't solve. The work around of course, and assuming the machines have both audio and video outputs, you can still plug the video directly into a 2.1 compatible monitor with EArc while the audio goes into the AVR which makes the purchase of one of these new models unnecessary.

I am sure for at least a few months anyway, Denon, Marantz and Yamaha are looking at some pretty substantial losses in sales.