There is a guy on Youtube called "Ninjician" who is quite apt at calibration and information that is actually very informative and accurate and he has a C9 in which he measured it in "Expert Dark Mode" right out of the box with Calman software and it actually turned out to be almost dead on the money with the the standard and hardly any tweaking required at all. Expert Bright and Cinema should be close as well. Of course, once again, every panel could be a little different, hence, in your case, it may not be exactly to your liking.

Now if you are experiencing a slight beige color in the whites that means there is a little too much red at the top end which seems to be not uncommon with Oleds. You might want to try this, leave your setting on Warm 2, however, go into your Advanced Control and turn all your Color Gamut settings to "Auto" then go into the 2 point White balance settings and on the High setting only, leaving the Red at 0, adjust your Green level up by 5 and Blue by 6. These changes can be made with the Cinema and Expert Dark Mode as well. You might have to tweak this a little, however, what is happening here is you are altering the White Point on the monitor which should eliminate that beige tinge you are viewing without the other settings down the spectrum being altered. You could adjust your Peak Brightness level as well. Apparently these settings actually come from the chief guru at Calman because this minor change best matches the Sony reference OLED and the whites of a proper calibrated Plasma.

If you wish, try it out and see what happens.