I have learned LG OLED's suffer from a consistent problem with their white point which is called "mesmaritism" an issue that despite being overall color accurate, has an issue with the brightest white being slightly pink or beige which is a slight overabundance of red at the brightest points in the picture. The expert and cinema modes actually come out of the factory based on a D65 white point which is technically accurate but, for some reason no one really knows, creates the above problem. Of course, most casual viewers wouldn't notice this anyway.

Sony OLEDs, out of the box tend to be somewhat more color accurate however, their white points are a little more towards the blue/green hence the recommendation I made above that bumping up the green and blue levels at the high point of a two point white balance calibration deals with that problem but in the Warm 2 position because making these adjustments in Warm 1 would ultimately make the picture lean too much towards blue.

Last edited by casey01; 02/06/21 10:51 PM.