I didn't check but what brand did you buy? Generally the standard is if you don't want to go through the expense of calibration, usually a "Cinema Mode" or "Expert mode" (each brand describes it a little differently)out of the box will usually provide you with the color accuracy that is closest to the creators content which is D65 white and will be in the warm setting. Some people initially don't like the look of these Cinema/D65 settings because they may look a little yellow or pink, however, it does closest represent the standard. It just takes a little getting used to. All the other modes, depending how the brand describes them like Vivid or Standard, Sports, etc, are way off the mark and although nice and bright and jumping out at you, are just not accurate, especially when watching movies on a 4K BR player. They are generally just blown out with too much blue.

In the end, it is your preference, however, if one has spent a chunk of change on an OLED sometimes calibration could be a good idea since the stuff you get on Youtube often is wrong and every panel on any television regardless of type, is different anyway and the settings you see there when tried on your set just don't turn out the same. Also, if the YouTuber is legitimate, they will tell you that their settings only apply to their monitor and to not necessarily expect the same results with yours. When all is said and done, when you find the settings you like but, still find the "whites' a little too pink or beige, let me know, since I learned a little trick how to deal with that from a pro calibrator without affecting the rest of the picture quality.

Last edited by casey01; 02/05/21 04:01 PM.