Originally Posted By: RayLewis
Political discussions anywhere are tough these days.

You hit it right on the head. I am amazed at how violent they get. Rarely is there ever a real thought provoking conversation. Instead, and yes it happens here too (read some of the posts to this point) that they are just angry words tossed out about how stupid someone is, or how psycho one side's beliefs are. Bash bash bash.

I know that I am a minority on the Axiom forums in that I am a conservative, but even the Republican party isn't conservative any more, and that doesn't mean that I listen to or blindly follow the banter of the right-wing media either.

I have learned to gather my information, and make my own decisions. If people want to have useful conversations about politics here, then at least step back and examine the "infallible" people that you are backing and consider that the government and political system (at least in the US) as a whole is corrupt and the idea of actually doing what is right for the greater good was lost decades ago. If you can see through your own political party's smoke and mirrors, then you are one step closer to adding a valuable contribution to a political discussion. I for one, am stepping out of this one. If someone would like to have a real conversation about politics some time, I am all for it. If you don't want Ann Coulter in your country, it doesn't mean that we want her back either. :-) Now I find no real offense in FredK's original post. In fact, it is fairly humorous. So I'm not really talking about him.

(note: Before people start freaking out at me, re-read what I have stated above. Nowhere did I bash one single party. The above statements are valid for "either" party in the US.)

Sure, I'll still tick someone off for calling them out for making these statement, and that isn't my intent. Heck, I see things on Axiom people's Facebook posts, and I just let them go as personal expression, etc. I just know how, on a forum where discussions are the whole point, things can get out of hand on certain topics.

OK. Flame away. Put me on your ignore list because I've offended you with my comments of being civil.

Maybe we should just set up a forum for Right Wingers and one for Left Wingers and people can say what they want and people from the "other" group can't see it. Then everyone can bask in their own party's glory without offending anyone else. Who knows.

Farewell - June 4, 2020