I would figure Grunt to be a “leave-other-people-alone-ist” anti-authoritarian type, lol. Anyone who has that avatar (Donald Sutherland, a fine Canadian liberal actor btw.) is gotta be anti-authority! I'm kinda that way myself. Used to think that I was a libertarian (with bleeding heart tendencies) until I realized that being a libertarian is like being a communist: They both sound good on paper, but in practice...

No man is an island. And now I'm more of a liberal/reluctant capitalist type (you should be able to make as much damn money as you want, just not by screwing your fellow man). I believe in personal freedom but I also know that I can't process my own sewage or have my own army and need a functioning society so that I can pursue my own brand of "freedom".

While I have thrived, and continue to thrive, living in the good ole' USA, there have been a few times that I was broke enough to qualify for food stamps/government assistance. But did I? No. I never even considered it. I'm a white male who was raised in a nice middle class family who's had plenty of opportunities. But I also know that many are born into lesser means than I and may need extra help. Does that mean I think it's ok to mooch off of my taxes? Hell no! But when I worked for the state (mental health) way back in the day, one thing I noticed: No one likes to be on welfare. Most of the recipients were (contrary to popular belief) white. And most (that I've known) would have gladly taken a job rather than be humiliated by the grinding poverty that being "on the dole" leaves you trapped in.

I think a part of being a liberal means that you care about the least fortunate (even when you are prosperous) and believe that society is better off if those people have a little help when they need it. I choose to see the "better" in people. A lot of the current crop of "conservatives" see the worst in people and think that you should just pull yourself up by the bootstraps. But you have to have "boots" first to do that!

I pay a crap load of taxes. In fact, I have to write a big check for Uncle Sam very soon (Grrrr!). I'd rather that money goes to helping than hurting (make speakers, not bombs!). But I am not naive, I know that a lot is wasted on crap. I, myself, am actually pretty fiscally conservative. I am not all about tax and spend. I do think the voters should have more say in where "our" money is spent and the only way to do that is by electing better people to govern on both sides of the political spectrum. I would rather my taxes go to improving the lot for "everyone" rather than the wealthiest and corporations. An educated and working populace is a safe and happy one. I pay a lot in home owners taxes as well. And you know where most of that goes? To help fund the schools in my county. And I don't have any freaking kids! But hey, I'll help fund your lil' snowflakes edumacation so Johnny can learn to read and get a good job so he isn't out robbing me at 2:00 am at an ATM.

I actually hope that the Republican party can get it's shit together and get back to it's stated principals (for which I share many) of smaller (but smarter, more efficient and less intrusive) government and non-interventionist foreign policy. We need their yang to the Democrats ying. There are many good conservative ideas that should be embraced, but the Coulters and Limbaughs and Hannitys and Fox News etc., bring nothing to civil discourse. They lie and demonize the left. They also will never debate their "ideas" with others who believe differently. Of course, they are entitled to their own "opinions", just not their own "facts" (truth has a liberal bias you know \:\) ). They are just an echo chamber playing to the fears of the ignorant and scared and convincing them to vote (and I find this to be so ridiculous) against their own best interests. Every. Single. Time.

I'm a Bill Hicks liberal (no, not full of psilocybin and ranting... well... sometimes!). I'd like to love all you motherfu#kers but it's hard sometimes when I see some of these dumb sumbitches and what they believe (on both sides) messing up my country. I hate political correctness taken to extreme. I would love to see all guns disappear (all you hunters can use cross bows dag nabbit!) tomorrow, but that ain't gonna happen. And as long as the bad guys, police and military have 'em, I want the right as well. I don't believe in the death penalty. The state should not have that right. Does no good anyway. And I hate war. A waste of human lives. But I am not a complete pacifist. I would kill in self defense or to defend or protect the rights and freedoms of every peace loving individual anywhere.

Truly, I think we should not be so divided as a people. I think the danger is the corporations, who have vested interests in both sides, to keep us oppressed and fighting each other. They are the true enemy of the people.

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa