Good point Dean. To me Violence fits hand in hand with ideologically driven movements. Once a group believes they have the absolute high moral ground the end justifies the means.

To tie this back to Coulter and her backer in Canada Levant, the very same Levant was quite opposed to allowing British MP George Galloway entry into Canada because of his views on the Middle East. The government Levant works for denied Mr. Galloway entry into Canada. Mr. Levant is on the record as stating that Mr. Galloway was not a Canadian and as such should not have the same rights of free speech here as Canadian citizens should. Yet now he insists that certain groups in Canada are intolerant to free speech when they show up to protest his foreign 'beacon' of free speech.

The same government has denied access to activists with differing views on more than one occasion.

To me, the reality is that Coulter is being used by our current government to discredit 'the left' as being intolerant when, by action it is the current government that is most guilty of muzzling free speech.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!