Originally Posted By: bigwill2
Post removed re: profanity policy

Yeah! Take that you filthy Canucks!!! USA! USA! Lol.

Snow bound buffoons? I think I have one of their albums!

Seriously though, this is where the right has taken political discourse since Rush Limbaugh and Fox news became the de facto voice of the Republican party.

I don't know where all that vitriol and anger comes from.

The saner conservatives/Republicans need to wrestle back their party from that ilk (and the religious fundamentalists as well).

They are becoming the American Taliban. Intolerant of differing views.

And I really resent that Republicans question my patriotism cause I have different views than them.

We get a decent, centrist president after 8 years of war criminals and incompetence and they freak out because he ain't a god fearing (white) Republican.

Man, we got a long way to go...

Last edited by axiom; 03/30/10 02:04 PM.

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa