Originally Posted By: RayLewis

Finally, one day I am going to try to understand what phrases like “'politically correct' speech codes" mean. I imagine that is not a topic for this thread, but whenever someone uses the term "politically correct" I immediately think "hmm, I'm not going to agree with that person on too many things."

There are various forms of “politically correct” depending on ones political viewpoint. What is often now referred to and what I was referring to is the “political correctness” that developed in Western academia to offset what was (I believe correctly) seen as a “Dead White European Male” bias in academics perpetuated by the language used. The intent was to introduce a more neutral language (gender, ethnic, cultural etc. . .) thus allowing for a more holistic approach to academics. In theory it could be a good idea, in practice to much of a good thing can often be bad IMO.

In many school this politically correct speech developed into “speech codes” which rather than broaden the scope of debate sought to limit it to only what the writers of the codes approved.

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