
Points well taken. First I would like to say that I'm sorry you don't enjoy the off topic "silliness" that so often happens around here. I'd be surprised if each one of us didn't feel a little frustration, at times, when a thread goes off topic into a vein that we either aren't interested in, or find foolish. I know I do. But, it's not MY forum, and I have learned to just pass by those threads without reading closely, and so have reached a point where they don't really bother me at all. And, the last thing I'm gonna do (I really dislike this) is post "what's the matter with you people," thereby venting my spleen, but unnecessarily raining on someone else's parade. Just because I am not enjoying the thread, doesn't give me the right to spoil it for others who are.

Another reason I'm sorry you don't enjoy the "silliness" of off topic banter is because, based on several of your posts in this thread, you have a marvelous flare for it. I've laughed aloud ("with," not "at") several times.

Lastly, I'd like you to know that I consider you a positive contributor to this forum. We may not always agree, but complete agreement is not a requirement for misanthropes to get along

P.S. I resent that you would consider my reference to hugging SonicFox as harassment. SHE would, I suspect, consider it that, but it's not for you to say.

Man, you definitely blew your chance at getting a copy of my 39 DVD volume of " How to Win Bingo and Influence Arteries not to Harden " box set!!!!


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton