Well I suppose when you're king you can throw anyone you want in the dungeon and forget about them. Luckily for us this is only the internet and not anything terribly important, so life goes on. Sounds to me like this guy Huge didn't like what he viewed as sneaky advertising from Axiom, and it's left a bad taste in his mouth for Axiom as a whole. That sort of thing can happen, I understand it. It's not usually anyone's fault in particular, so I don't hold it against Huge or Axiom, it's just one of those things. You can take a highly respected company like Honda, that has pumped out loads and loads of dependable, affordable, reliable and environmentaly responsible cars over the years and still find people who've had a bad experience with the company and dislikes them. The sad part is it's not the products fault, it's the human factor that causes these feelings. People, in general, irk other people.

I live in a very prejudice area. I was lucky enough to have been born and raised in a non-prejudice family and area during my formative years. I was born in Vancouver and also lived in a small town south of Calgary Alberta. It wasn't until I moved to Indiana at age 10 that I heard the word 'nigger' for the very first time. I didn't have any clue what it meant. Of course since then I've come to accept that (white) people in this area are raised to belive that they are the superior race. Which is unfortunate, because it really does nothing but create problems. I've heard it said many times that if we could only get the blacks out of this country, then everything would be fine. It's hilarious to me that a person could truely believe something like that. In my experiences I've come to understand that human nature is two sided. When people meet other people they do two things, first of all they look for things they have in common with the other person.

Do they like sports? Do they drink? Do they ride motorcycles?

And people like to surroung themselves with other people with the same interests. But the second thing that happens is after finding common ground, most people then find where their differences lie, and groups then start to subdivide. So, "do you like sports" begins the relationship as a bonding criteria, but it quickly leads to, "oh you like the Patriots? They suck, you're an asshole"! "Do you drink" winds up, "oh you're a Bud Light drinker, what a pussy". And, "do you ride motorcycles" ends up, "oh your on a rice burner, grow up"! So the things that initially bring us together, ultimately tear us apart.

So those eternally looking forward to the day that the white's rise up and throw the blacks off of the continent will be sad to find out that everything isn't fixed. Because there will still be those who are Patriot fans, drink Bud Light and own a Kawasaki.

Ummm... ok seems I may have strayed off topic just a bit. But I was trying to point out that there will always be differences between people, even in small subgroups like audio lovers. You would think the love of audio would bind us, but we humans can find ways to hate eachother no matter how alike we may be. That's just the way it is.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD