Awe come on guys, take it easy on poor SS will ya! He's only here to teach us correct usage of words and to inform us that Hugh truely does loves us all... only he's a tough love kinda guy cuz he's old school like that.

Didn't any of you have fathers who yelled at you at little league practice when you didn't hit the ball hard enough, throw the ball to the correct base, tie your shoe's properly or anything else you ever tried to do on the field? Then took you home and gave you a good whoppin for being such a whoosy... well, he never missed a single practice or game now did he? That's because he loved you. It might have been hard to recognize that love when he was humiliating you out on the field, or painting your back porch red, but some fathers don't love their sons enough to point out their flaws on the field so that one day maybe they can play in the big leagues making millions of dollars!

Tough love, that's the Hugh way. Now get out there and man up you little punks!

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD