Hi Chesseroo,

Any 4.0 Bluetooth dongle should work no problem. I have tried a bunch of different ones and they all work.

Changing the Pi is reasonably simple but does require a refresh of the SD Card and initial boot plugged in with an Ethernet cable. This said the on-board Bluetooth antenna in the Pi3 or Pi3 B+ will not work, you would still need a dongle. The built in WiFi on the Pi 3B+ is strong enough to not need the WiFi dongle, and depending on circumstances, the Pi3 one may be sufficient too.

The new N3 v2 manual will be on-line on the product page next week. But the Bluetooth does not require any button pushing on the UI, it is just always available. Just stop anything you are playing, pair your device over Bluetooth, and it will work.

Ian Colquhoun
President & Chief Engineer