I'm not saying that science is not adequate to test and evaluate the propositions at issue. So it is not a matter that science is weak, but rather your science is weak. "Your white crane kung fu weak!"

Why? Because the tests are with single frequencies. Music is complex, except for Philip Glass.

Placebo effect? How many posters here cooed that the 'scientific' musings set out in Chess's subject essay made them "feel good" about their audio choices?

How many of you BELIEVE (a belief you believe is scientific because after all you know we're descended from apes) that all solid state amps of the same output and THD rating perform indistinguishably when it comes to reproducing symphonic music? Why would you believe such a thing that you have not tested yourself? Oh, you don't trust yourself, you think the placebo effect makes anything less than an impossibly rigorous double blind in a dead anechoic chamber useless. Then go listen to an amp which costs $10,000 which you don't like but thought you would.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.