Originally Posted By: nickbuol
I looked at the popular 880, and then that lead me to the newer 720, but I wasn't fond of the reports that they don't sit in their charging docks worth a darn, and that the paint on higher usage buttons comes off.

2 friends of mine have the Harmony 880. It doesn't sit in the cradle as well as you would like. I personally do not like the ergonomics and look of the remote.

I have the Harmony 720. It sits in the cradle very well.

I bought the 2 Harmony One's, 1 for my brother and 1 for my parents, for Christmas. It is a very nice remote. It sits in the cradle very well. It is a nice combination of touch screen and hard buttons. Combine that with the icons you can get from http://www.iconharmony.com and this remote looks great. Only major drawback is the lack of RF control. If this is not an issue for you, the Harmony One is a great choice.

If you need RF, I would recommend a URC remote. Check out http://www.remotecentral.com if you need any help with anything.
