I bought the 880 last year about this time. It is my first universal remote - I would not describe myself as technical. The vast majority of people that I know are like me as far as technicality - so to speak. I highly recommend the Harmony philosphy for them - I have some older components all of which were in the Harmony Database. I had the remote up and running in 30 minutes. It is the ONLY piece of my system to have ever gleaned any accolades from my wife. For that reason alone, it is one of my favorite components. Having said that, I might find another layout more user friendly? I had problems with the remote seating and charging properly. I contacted Harmony and they sent a brand new one at no charge. All I had to do was fill out a form that asked questions about the behavior of the remote as it related to charging. I considered it to be excellent customer service and I have not had any further problems..........Rob

"A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject" Churchill