if you google for 880 or 890, you'll get a lot of hits about the base going bad (not the battery). So apparently, my HT reseller was right. He mentioned that he had a rash of Harmony's that went bad on his customers and now refuses to sell them. I have the 890 and URC MX900 and for me, URC is *VASTLY* superior. However, 890 is *MUCH* easier to program. If you don't do anything fancy, Harmony may be the way to go. If you are slightly technical, URC is the way to go. Anyone that can use Excel or Word should be able to figure out how to program URC remotes.

BTW, having looked at Harmony One's physical layout, I'm glad Logitech decided to replace the idiotic buttons on the 880/90. Those buttons are annoying hard to find and press.

Denon 4520, EPIC80/500/VP180 Speakers