Another 3 1/2 hours of work... Now that all the individual cables were selected, labelled and separated by device, it was time to assemble them in "trains" so that tomorrow or Friday I can put them in their "rails". Lots, lots, lots, lots of cable ties! Just the subwoofer+12v-trigger cable (25 feet) took 35 minutes!

1. Some mega-cables ready to be attached to the unit. That picture only shows 60% of the cables. Ethernet and the subwoofer are not there (it was already getting messy) and the HUGE 50' super-train to bring the good news to my writing room is not done yet (I anticipate a good 60-70 minutes).

2. The sub-woofer cable and its trigger. Note: it is not labelled... I figured I would remember what that green thing is for...

3. The floor after the last 3 cables... I had already swept three times already!

4. Reminder of the plan on where I will "attach" the cable trains to the unit!


See Mojo's signature