Pfff. 15th. Quickly running out of things to re-arrange. Today was my "hard drive farm" with my home server. And this time I remembered to take "before" pictures. I have been meaning to fix this a long time ago, but always failed to buy a unit for it... then a few days ago I realized I still had the first unit from my first sound system (24 years ago). Since it is open in the back, it was perfect to be placed under a window providing a lot of convexion for air flow.

1-2. "Before". Not only ugly, it was also a problem when I needed to move around that area and obviously not inviting when sweeping with a broom!

3. The back of the new setup. I unit-mounting power ever becomes an Olympic discipline, count me in!

4. A hiccup... The new unit with added power supplies do not pass around my office desk! I had to unplug a few things and close my eyes when I heard a few "crack"...

5 The final picture. Much, MUCH nicer, if you don't mind me saying so... Apart from the six hard-drives in the second bay that looks like a bunch of cylon riders!

I have been a good boy, cleaned up a lot, fixed stuff, even changed my cat's litter... Now why can't I get the call that my fricking D2 is in town! \:\(

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