Well... I might be officially bored (not an easy thing to do). I just learned that my neighbors are gone for the weekend and I have nothing to take advantage of it! In the meantime, I just spent 80 minutes re-wiring my office. The result have adtonished me (especially given the little time and the HUGE mess it started with -- no pictures of 'before').

1. Deskmounted my main power supply and the GigE switch network node in my office (the gateway is in the living room as I now have cable internet)

2. Another mounted power bar serving the left-side of my desk

3. The space when I am supposed to put my feet. It had gotten some bad, I frequently disconnected stuff getting up or sitting down. Now I can gigue!

4. That used to be my main computer next to a huge pile of web of cables. By mounted the third power bar, using a cable guide and moving ethernet to the side, I have freed a big hole where my scanner will fit.

Well... In the meantime... I wait...

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