Some are! Speakers ID are hard to associate immediately for me in French. Note that they're not even in Canadian English as I use "Center" and not "Centre" (which would have worked for both French and English!).

Well, back to work! Next steps are (neighbors are sleeping so noisy stuff later):
1. Cleanup the wraps at the back of the unit
2. Pass the power cables for the rest of the devices and try out their placement.
3. IR blaster distribution (changed from plan as I discovered my cable box has IT in-out which will spare me a port of my blaster)

When the neighbors are gone
4. "Rail" speaker cables and subwoofer to the back
5. lay out the mother of all cables and start sobbing if it is too short!
6. "guide" the cables inside each pigeon hole. The one I did last night turned into a complete mess (I started with the worst one).

The maybe tomorrow if I don't have time (or the energy) today
7. Clean up the back and the top of the unit
8. Move the unit back half-way
9. Add the heavier equipment (center channels, 400 disk changer...)
10. Take all the left over cables and neatly store them in my "cable armoire"
11. Move the furniture back into place
12. Add the layer of guizmos (chargers, adapters, lamps and so on).
13. Sit on the couch and start being grumpy that my BO problem has made me a social outcast.

I forgot to insert a few "post pictures", but we could call that "implicit"!

See Mojo's signature